Mother's Day Brunch 2014
About forty ladies and girls (and one little boy) got together for a wonderful Mother’s Day Brunch on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10 AM. Kathi Banholzer chose the theme for the brunch: “When Life Hands You Lemons….” She and Casey Jukkola decorated the fellowship hall and made it look so pretty! The ladies brought delicious food which we enjoyed. Janice MacAvoy gave the devotional and encouraged each of us to not only “make lemonade” when life hands us lemons, but also to search the Scriptures. We can search the Scriptures to see if we are saved (John 5:39); then to see if there is sin in our lives (Psalm 139:23, 24); and finally we can search the Scriptures in order to draw near to our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:15, 16).
Mary Oliver played “Be Thou My Vision” on her flute with her sister Anna accompanying her on the keyboard. Some ladies and teen girls sang “It’s Just Like His Great Love” as a special number. We ended up the morning with door prizes and a special gift for each lady and child who attended the brunch. The brunch was a special time of fellowship together and also of honoring our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend.