Activities For 2014

This album contains activities for the year 2014

Jan 05, 2014 New Member Jeff Early

New Member Jeff Early

New Member Jeff Early committed to HBC membership on January 5, 2014.

Feb 02, 2014 Baptism Ira Zilist

Baptism Ira Zilist

Ira Zilist was baptized on February 2, 2014

Feb 02, 2014 Baptism Peyton Wilson

Baptism Peyton Wilson

Peyton Wilson was baptized on February 2, 2014

Feb 02, 2014 Ken Overby

Ken Overby

Ken Overby, Jewish Awareness Ministries, February 2, 2014 Brother Overby was our guest for the evening service. He preached from Leviticus on the Feast of Firstfruits. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew...

Feb 09, 2014 New Member Vernon Schools

New Member Vernon Schools

New Member: Vernon Schools, 2/9/14

Feb 15, 2014 Teen Scavenger Hunt

Teen Scavenger Hunt

Teen Scavenger Hunt On Saturday February 15, the teens got together for a picture scavenger hunt. They had to collect pictures of their teammates with a number of strange requirements. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed a great meal and some time around God’s Word.

Feb 16, 2014 Baptism Mekeilah Cox

Baptism Mekeilah Cox

Baptism: Mekeilah Ruth Cox, 2/16/14

Feb 16, 2014 New Members Brandon Shelly Wilson

New Members Brandon Shelly Wilson

New Members: Brandon & Shelly Wilson, 2/16/14

Feb 19, 2014 Crazy Hair Night

Crazy Hair Night

Crazy Hair Night Master Club sponsored a "crazy hair night" promotion on February 19, 2014. Almost everyone happily participated. It was a ton of fun.

Feb 23, 2014 Mike Shrock

Mike Shrock

Evangelist Mike Shrock February 23-26, 2014

Mar 02, 2014 Owens


Missionaries Jeff & Elizabeth Owens The Owens minister in Papua New Guinea. They were our guests on Sunday, March 2, 2014. Their daughter Lydia is 9 months old.

Mar 09, 2014 Parkers Joined

Parkers Joined

Photos from 2014-03-09-parkers_joined

Mar 09, 2014 Wayne Bley

Wayne Bley

Captain Wayne Bley - March 9, 2014 Picture Wayne and Brenda Bley were our guests on 3/9/14. Click below to listen to messages or view the PowerPoint slides.

Mar 15, 2014 Bridal Shower Bethany Mattson

Bridal Shower Bethany Mattson

Bridal Shower for Bethany Mattson March 15, 2014 We had a lovely bridal shower for Bethany Mattson today. Jennifer Estabrook planned the shower with decorating help from Michelle Donahue and Casey Jukkola. Becky Cox gave a devotional about “A Recipe for Being a Good Wife", which was a blessing to...

Mar 16, 2014 Nathan Washer

Nathan Washer

Missionaries Nathan & Rachel Washer, Zambia, Africa March 16, 2014 Nathan and Rachel have 5 sons: David, Mark, Joshua, Stephen & John. They serve the Lord as a family in Zambia. Click for either the Morning Sermon or the Evening Sermon.

Mar 16, 2014 New Member Bethany Mattson

New Member Bethany Mattson

Bethany Mattson Bethany Mattson relocated back to this area recently. She renewed her commitment to membership and serving the Lord with us at HBC on March 16, 2014. Praise the Lord for believers who are committed to the New Testament teaching about church.

Mar 23, 2014 Jack Knapp

Jack Knapp

Dr. Jack Knapp Jack and Judy Knapp serves the Lord for 30 years with Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptists. They were our guests all day on March 23, 2014 for Christian Heritage Sunday. We learned about how God has blessed our country and how God uses people in His service.

Mar 23, 2014 New Members Chapmans

New Members Chapmans

New Members, John & Marlin Chapman John & Marlin Chapman committed their lives to membership with Hanover Baptist Church on Sunday morning, March 23, 2014. We thank the Lord for leading these good folks to partner with us in serving the Lord and giving out the Gospel.

Mar 30, 2014 Lantz


Missionaries: Lantz Family Lawrence and Rebecca Lantz and their 6 children serve God in Zambia, East Africa. The family includes Naomi, Hannah, Daniel, Lydia, Martha and Luke. They were our guests on March 30, 2014. Click below to listen:

Apr 01, 2014 Seniors To Rapidan

Seniors To Rapidan

Seniors to Rapidan It was Tuesday morning, April 1st and it was beautiful outside. We left at 8:00 for Rapidan Baptist Camp. Pastor and Janice took Mary Comer, Anna Leadbetter and Dorothy Wade. The camp does a splendid job with food, music, fun, preaching and fellowship. It is good to invest the da...

Apr 05, 2014 Spaghetti Supper

Spaghetti Supper

Spaghetti Supper A camp fundraiser on Saturday, April 5, 2014 included spaghetti dinner and entertainment from the teens.

Apr 12, 2014 Mattson Early Wedding

Mattson Early Wedding

Jeff Early and Bethany Mattson were married on April 12, 2014. To listen to the ceremony, click here.

Apr 20, 2014 Easter


Photos from 2014-04-20-easter

Apr 26, 2014 Eagles


Photos from 2014-04-26-eagles

Apr 26, 2014 Jukkola Baby Shower

Jukkola Baby Shower

The ladies got together at Cindy Knupp’s home for a baby shower for Casey Jukkola on April 26th . The Lord gave us a beautiful spring day, and a number of ladies and children were able to attend. Cindy decorated their home with a Dr. Seuss theme; everything was so cute and fun! We even had some gree...

May 02, 2014 Couples Retreat 4

Couples Retreat 4

Six HBC couples were able to attend this retreat at The Wilds. The Chapmans, Donahues, Edmonds, Hatchers, MacAvoys and Mullsteffs all had a fabulous and marriage-building experience. (Click a photo to enlarge and scroll.)

May 04, 2014 Pastor In Master Club   Hanover Baptist Church

Pastor In Master Club Hanover Baptist Church

Pastor in Master Club Pastor MacAvoy visited a Master Club class on May 7. He talked with the children about what a pastor does. The children were encouraged to look at their pastor as someone who could help them through struggles.

May 11, 2014 Edmonds New Members

Edmonds New Members

New Members: Edmonds family Russell, Martha and Loren Edmonds committed themselves to membership and service along with us at Hanover Baptist Church on Sunday, May 11, 2014.

May 11, 2014 Mothers Day

Mothers Day

Mother's Day Brunch 2014 About forty ladies and girls (and one little boy) got together for a wonderful Mother’s Day Brunch on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10 AM. Kathi Banholzer chose the theme for the brunch: “When Life Hands You Lemons….” She and Casey Jukkola decorated the fellowship h...

May 17, 2014 Camp Yard Sale

Camp Yard Sale

Camp Yard Sale - May 17, 2014

May 18, 2014 Dedication Jukkola

Dedication Jukkola

Dedication of Emily Grace Jukkola Andrew and Casey Jukkola dedicated Emily Grace to the Lord on May 18, 2014.

May 18, 2014 Master Club Service

Master Club Service

Master Club Closing Service Dennis Hatcher is our Master Club leader. He conducted the evening service on May 18, 2014 including children singing and reciting Bible verses. Rewards were given to volunteers. tom Banholzer gave the sermon. Click at the bottom to listen to the service or view a video.

May 31, 2014 Teen Rally

Teen Rally

Teen Rally - May 31, 2014 The HBC teens hosted a rally with evangelist Adam Davis and his team of helpers. The event began with pizza followed by team meetings and games. The Alpha team and Delta team battled it out throughout the day to earn points. They competed in games, a poster contest, and a...

Jun 01, 2014 Bill Mason

Bill Mason

Bill Mason, June 1, 2014 Bill and Nancy Mason have been conducting children's revivals for 49 years. Brother Mason preached for us today. Throughout the coming week they will conduct children's meetings at HBC each evening at 6:00.

Jun 02, 2014 Vbs 06

Vbs 06

Photos from 2014-06-02-vbs_06

Jun 09, 2014 Samantha Jukkola

Samantha Jukkola

Casey, Andrew and Emily Jukkola welcomed their new little one to their family today. God is good. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Jun 14, 2014 Fathers Day Breakfast

Fathers Day Breakfast

Father's Day Breakfast, June 14, 2014 Thirty-five men and boys enjoyed pancakes, eggs, sausage, milk, orange juice and coffee for the Father's Day breakfast. Thanks to the cooks and helpers: John Chapman, Jeff Early, Russell Edmonds, Dennis Hatcher, Chris Mullsteff and Brandon Wilson.

Jun 22, 2014 Dibagno


Frank and Sherry DiBagno Missionaries to Italy June 22, 2014

Jul 11, 2014 Teen Activity

Teen Activity

Teen Activity, July 11 The youth group met at the Hatcher's house for good outdoor fun in the woods. We had hot dogs and s'mores around the fire, followed by a quick challenge about how preparing a fire is like preparing for God to work in our hearts. We played capture the flag in the woods and had...

Jul 26, 2014 Eagles


We grilled at 6:00, enjoyed good fellowship, had a good meal and were blessed by John Cox describing his heritage through the salvation of his parents. Thanks to the following for their help: Herbert & Tom (set up) Pastor MacAvoy (potatoes, bread) Ric DiBagno (pasta) John Cox (salad) Fred Roo...

Aug 10, 2014 Morris Glesier

Morris Glesier

Morris and Lynn Gleiser serve the Lord together in an itinerant evangelistic ministry. They were our guests at HBC for services on Sunday through Wednesday, August 10-13. ( Click below to listen to a sermon. Sunday School Sunday morning Sunday evening Monday Tuesday Wedne...

Sep 01, 2014 Picnic


Labor Day Church Picnic 9/1/14

Sep 20, 2014 Teen Volleyball

Teen Volleyball

Teen Volleyball The HBC teens had a fun-filled evening in the fellowship hall at HBC on Saturday, September 20! We started with a challenge from God's Word about doing our very best for The Lord and working hard at whatever He calls us to do. We have been emphasizing our camp verse- I Cor. 10:31--...

Sep 28, 2014 Adam Davis

Adam Davis

Adam Davis September 28, 2014 Evangelist Adam Davis filled the pulpit while pastor was on vacation.

Oct 04, 2014 Teen Harvest Rally

Teen Harvest Rally

Teen Harvest Rally - October 4, 2014 The teens at HBC attended the Harvest rally in Surry, VA. It is an event for church youth groups to gather on a large farm property to have good food, games, and preaching. The event usually is scheduled for the first Saturday in October. The weather was gorgeou...

Oct 07, 2014 Rapidan Seniors

Rapidan Seniors

Seniors to Camp Rapidan - October 7, 2014

Oct 12, 2014 Ofd


Old Fashioned Day - October 12, 2014

Oct 17, 2014 Doves


Becky Cox hosted the fall Dove Fellowship in the fellowship hall at church. The evening was built around decorating jars that we had around the house. Becky prepared the fellowship hall in such a warm and friendly way. A number of ladies came, and we had a wonderful time together. We began with gett...

Oct 25, 2014 Eagles


Eagle Fellowship - October 25, 2014 Seventeen men met together for fellowship around a grilled meal and Gods' Word. Thanks to to the men who helped make this Eagle Fellowship happen including: Herbert & Tom (set up), Gibbs Goldman (clean up), Pastor (potatoes), Ric DiBagno (pasta), Troy Altizer (sa...

Oct 26, 2014 Hilmer


Missionary Chris Hilmer Chris Hilmer and his wife Christine have served Jesus Christ as church planters in Quebec for over 15 years. Chris was our guest for the evening service on October 26, 2014. Click below to listen to his sermon.

Oct 26, 2014 Newcomer Farewell

Newcomer Farewell

Newcomer Farewell - October 26, 2014 John and Elsie Newcomer have been members of HBC for many years. They are relocating to SC to be near family and we will miss them. We enjoyed cake and coffee together in their honor after the evening service on October 26, 2014.

Oct 31, 2014 Harvest Party

Harvest Party

Harvest Party Oct 31st

Nov 01, 2014 Glass Birthday

Glass Birthday

Our good brother and HBC member Martin Glass turned 90 on October 31, 2014. We had a party for him the next day enjoying ham biscuits, cake and ice cream.

Dec 03, 2014 Master Club

Master Club

Master Club - December 3, 2014

Dec 12, 2014 Ladies Party

Ladies Party

The Ladies' Christmas Party--beautifully decorated by Kathi Banholzer and Becky Cox encouraged a feeling of welcome for each of us. A comradeship of kindred spirits seemed to be the sense of the evening. Janice led us in prayer, and testimonies from several ladies followed, noting the special bl...

Dec 14, 2014 Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Dec 19, 2014 Teen Party

Teen Party

The teens of HBC had a great time at the annual teen Christmas party on December 19, 2014. We had a lasagna feast, a challenge from God's word about being ambassadors for Christ, Christmas pictionary, the couch game, and a white elephant exchange.

Dec 21, 2014 Cantata


Richest Family in Town

Dec 31, 2014 Soup And Games

Soup And Games

Soup & Games

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