
Dove Fellowship - March 9, 2024 It was a rainy, spring-like morning, but it was a perfect setting for our Dove fellowship. Diana Oakley had the fellowship hall decorated beautifully with sunflowers everywhere. It looked like a work of art.

Twenty-one ladies and girls attended, and they brought delicious food as well. We had egg casseroles, donuts, muffins, fruit, biscuits & gravy and more.

We played a cute game where we added up points depending on things that we did in preparation for the fellowship. Merline was the winner and won one of the beautiful sunflower wreaths hanging on the wall.

Diana gave a beautiful devotional about sunflowers. She said that if we know the Lord Jesus, we can be like the sunflower, in the sense that we may start small, but as we grow in the Lord, we can grow for His glory. We can also turn our faces towards the Sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2), Who is the Lord Jesus. She encouraged us to really witness to others, and to be a testimony to those around us who would face an eternity in hell without Christ.

We ended up by putting beautiful spring baskets together surrounding them with plastic shrink wrap. Diana had all kinds of lovely things that we could add to our baskets.

Our next Dove fellowship will be in the month of June, the Lord willing. Keep your eyes and ears open for more details.

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