Baby Shower For Jennifer Estabrook

The ladies of Hanover Baptist Church held a delightful baby shower for Jennifer Estabrook on Saturday afternoon. Becky Cox decorated the gift area with tiny pink dresses on a clothesline, a baby dress on a mannequin, and a diaper cake. Gertrude Stanley decorated the food area with banners, pom poms, and streamers. The cake matched the gift area - the cake design was aclothesline strung with baby clothes!

There were several fun games, including finding words created by using the letters in the new baby's name: Libby Anne Estabrook. We also attempted not to say the word "baby," and those of us who did say it lost the tiny pacifier we wore from a string on our wrists or hanging by a teeny clothespin on our clothing. There was much laughter as party goers grabbed the pacifiers from those who accidentally said "baby!"

Jennifer received oodles of gifts: dresses and other outfits, diapering items, books, booties, and blankets. Mrs. Allen, Jennifer's mother, gave her daughter a beautiful diaper bag for the new baby's things.

It was a delightful afternoon gathering, made happy by Christian friends together sharing our love with Jennifer.

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