
Ladies' Christmas Party, December 11, 2015 ​The theme for our Christmas Dove Fellowship this year was “Good Tidings of Great Joy.” We had a good time together. Kathi Banholzer once again planned the beautiful theme for the evening and decorated the fellowship hall with the help of Theresa Hatcher and Megan, Sienna, and Colton Waters.

We opened our evening with a Christmas carol and enjoyed snacks and punch together. Several ladies shared testimonies of how their secret pal was a blessing to them this year. Then Becky Cox gave a wonderful devotional on Joy! She mentioned a number of things that give us legitimate joy, such as finding a special gift for someone we love; holding a new baby, especially if that baby is our own; seeing our children get along together; working at a job and seeing that job meet needs for our family; and seeing a student grasp something that we have been teaching them. Then she pointed out that the Lord gave the best news of great joy to the shepherds. She said that true joy comes from knowing Christ as our personal Savior and having fellowship with Him. She went through a clear presentation of how we can be saved. God’s gift of salvation is offered to anyone in the entire world, and to anyone of any religious background. That is what makes it “good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10).

We ended the evening with giving gifts to one another. Ladies who did not have a secret pal exchanged gifts, and the secret pals revealed their identity. As always, there were many surprises!

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